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Spousal Visa CR1/IR1

Petition for CR-1/IR-1 Visa for a U.S. Citizen's Spouse

USRelativesVisa will help you properly prepare Form I-130 (petition for a U.S. citizen's spouse) to assist your wife in obtaining a CR-1/IR-1 visa (as well as an F2A visa for green card holders' wives) and entering the United States. Be confident that everything is done correctly, or we'll refund your money.

USCIS will approve your petition


Your petition will be filed correctly, and you will avoid the typical percentage of rejections and denials on Form I-130. By using our system, we guarantee that USCIS will approve your petition.

fiance visa petition

Qualified support that will assist you before and after filing your CR-1/IR-1 visa application for your spouse

Experienced visa consultants at USRelativesVisa will provide live support via phone, email, and chat at every stage of the process. Unlike traditional law firms, we do not charge hourly fees.

petition I-129F

Not sure where to start with the CR-1/IR-1 visa application for your spouse?

Submit your application. Choose the visa that suits you, answer simple online questions, and provide some information about yourself and your loved one. We will contact you and provide a step-by-step plan of action.

In USRelativesVisa, we understand that every petition for a CR-1/IR-1 spouse visa to the USA is unique!

We take pride in helping secure approvals and reuniting families.

Family immigration USA

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The cost of services for a CR-1/IR-1 visa in the USA

The USRelativesVisa service includes:

✅ Personal consultation

✅ Personalized checklist of required documents

✅ Document quality assurance

✅ Confidentiality of your personal information

✅ Access to support

✅ Email and phone notifications

✅ Individual payment plans

✅ Child discount

✅ Lawyer consultation for an additional fee

from $1000 
+  government fees

*The cost is per one immigrant. For clients with children, we offer a special child discount.

Our price is only a small fraction of what you would pay to a lawyer

1. USCIS stage

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

2. NVC stage

U.S. National Visa Center

3. Embassy stage

Interview at the US Embassy

What stages await you on the path from filing a spouse visa petition to obtaining a CR-1/IR-1 visa in your passport?

We assist at every stage of the process, and we've specifically divided the cost of services to ease the financial burden on our clients. You can order full support or just one of the required services.

Processing times for CR-1/IR-1 visas in the USA

Average processing times for CR-1/IR-1 spouse visas in the USA based on recent statistics

USCIS received the petition, receiving NOA 1

1-4 weeks 

Approval of the I-130 form by USCIS and receiving the NOA 2

 ~ 12 months

Transferring the case from USCIS to NVC and receiving a new NVC case number

Uploading documents and receiving approval from NVC

Transferring the case to the embassy and waiting for the interview date

Interview and placing the CR-1/IR-1 visa in the passport

1-2 weeks

2-4 weeks

1-2 months

1-4 weeks

  • If you married before the child turned 18, then unmarried foreign spouse's children under the age of 21 may be eligible for CR-2 or IR-2 visas. You must file a separate I-130 petition for each child.

    • The filing fee for the I-129F petition is $535. After the petition is approved, there are additional expenses to consider:

    • Medical examination at a USCIS-approved clinic - the cost depends on the medical facility and the country where the examination is conducted.

    • Government fee at the NVC stage: $445.

    • Expenses for travel to attend the interview.

    • Government fee for the Green Card: $220.
      You can find more detailed information in the article on the cost of the CR-1 visa.

  • The spouse visa (CR-1/IR-1) involves waiting for processing outside of the country. For spouses who are waiting for their CR-1/IR-1 visa to be processed, there is a special type of visa known as a K-3 visa.

    However, if you already have a tourist visa, you can visit the USA within the allowed period of stay on your tourist visa.

    If you don't have a tourist visa, you can apply for a B2 visitor visa, but in 90% of cases, individuals who are in the process of waiting for an immigration visa are denied tourist visas because they have immigration intentions.

  • You can get married in any country. If the marriage is not conducted in the United States, you will need to translate the marriage certificate into English.

    You can also get married online through Utah. After getting married (if you were not physically together at the time of marriage), you will need to meet in person, and then you will be eligible to file the I-130 petition.

  • Many people choose between the K-1 fiancé visa and the CR-1 spouse visa. Each visa has its advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more in our article "K-1 Fiancé Visa or CR-1 Spouse Visa - Which One to Choose?"

  • Petitions for CR-1/IR-1 visas for spouses of U.S. citizens are processed in a queue. However, there is a possibility to expedite the petition by filing Form I-129F. You can read more about it in the article "K3 as a way to expedite the spouse visa petition." Additionally, if you have extraordinary circumstances, you have the right to apply for an expedite. USCIS will review the application and make a decision.

Schedule a consultation, and we will provide detailed information about the timelines, costs, and all the stages of the process.

Do you have any questions about the CR-1/IR-1 visa to the USA?

Виза К-1 невесты (жениха) гражданина США

С чего начать процесс на визу K1 невесты / жениха гражданина США?

Требования по визе K1 невесты (жениха) гражданина США

Виза невесты К-1 США (подробная инструкция) Fiance(e) visa (К-1)

Форма I-129F инструкция по заполнению петиции на визу невесты США

Letter of intent to marry

Стоимость визы К-1

Виза невесты К-1 и дети (виза К-2)

Что такое RFE?

Требования к переводам документов для визы в США

Прививки для США

Как заполнить форму DS-260 на визу невесты K-1

Вопросы на интервью виза невесты K-1, виза жены CR-1, IR-1

Административная проверка при получении визы невесты К-1, визы жены CR-1, IR-1 в США

Как перевести интервью в другое посольство?

FAQ. Часто задаваемые вопросы

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Гид по иммиграционным формам

Form I-90  |  Form I-129F  |  Form I-130  |  Form I-131  |  Form I-131A  |  Form I-134  |  Form I-485  |  Form I-751  |   Form I-765  |  Form I-821D  |  Form I-864  |  Form N-400  |   Form N-565  |  Form N-600

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